Tuesday 23 September 2008

Retro Pay

What is Retro?
Retro means an out-dated thing from the past which is active now.

What is Retro Pay?
Retro Pay stands for some old Payment due for the employee

How can we land in such scenario?
There are two things which can happen..

1. Incorrect Element Entry Value-Some times we realise after some time that the element entry entered and processed in the past is not correct.
2. Back Dated Salary Increments: The union agreement or the Higher Management decides to revise salary effective from a date in the past

So what shall we do now?

Now that we have corrected the old Element Entry, the next Step is how to give this amount to the employee.

What Oracle Gives me for this?
Oracle gives the RetroPay process but in four flavours leading to confusions for the unarmed.

What are those four?

Here is the list
1. RetroPay by Run
2. RetroPay by Aggregate
3. RetroPay by Element
4. Enhanced RetroPay

Out of these four which one we are going to see in this?
In this entry, I am going to cover Retro Pay by Element. A new element entry will be created with the difference amount.

Sample Scenario
Assume an employee gets paid 1,500 for August.
Now payroll comes to know that his salary is actually 2,000 and not 1,500.

The following are the steps required to be performed.

1. Define a new element which can be used to pay the Retro amount
2. Make sure that this element is Non-recurring and Multiple Entries allowed.
3. Attach this Element to the retro tab of the Salary element
4. Define the Assignment Set

An assignment set needs to be defined with the affected Employees

5. Element Set
An element set needs to be defined with the Salary element(Don't include the Retro Element here.You will get an Error while submitting the Concurrent Request) .

6. Now run the Retro Pay by Element with the following parameters

a. Effective Start Date: This is the date from which we want to compute the difference
b. Effective End Date: A date in the latest Pay Period. The retro entries get created in this period.
c. Assignment Set: The Assignment Set we created
d. Element Set: The element set we created

Submit the request.. And check from the log that the number of assignments processed is correct.

Now if we check the element entries screen, we can see the retro elements getting created.

We can process them as usual.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good info. keep going.

Stalin G